Jables - BETA

For Laravel 5

Write your Database Schema in JSON, with clean naming conventions and store them nicely in Version Control.


✓ Schema in JSON
✓ Laravel Integration
✓ All Laravel Field Types supported.
✓ Checking JSON Syntax
✓ Checking Foreign key References.
✓ Checking Unique key Constraints.
✓ Automatic Table Deconstruction

○ JSON Syntax Prettifyer
○ Schema Diff (build changes not complete reconstructions)
○ Automatic Documentation Builder
○ JSON to Migration Transpiler


Grab it through Composer.

composer require hedronium/jables

You must add Jables to Laravel as a service provider. To do this, open up your config/app.php and add hedronium\Jables\JablesServiceProvider to the Service Providers list. Like:

'providers' => [
    // .... other providers and stuff ...

Testing Installation

On the command line run

php artisan

and check to see if the jables command and the jables section shows up.



artisan jables - Checks your JSON files then creates your Database Tables
artisan jables:check - Checks your JSOn files and reports errors.
artisan jables:refresh - Destroys all the tables then recreates them from your (possibly updated) json files. (warning. risk of data loss)
artisan jables:destroy - Removes all the tables that jables created from Database. artisan jables:create-folder - Creates the folder to store your Schema based on your configuration.

artisan jables:create-table - Creates Jables' own tracking table in database.

All the commands accept the --database=[connection] option. You can use it to override which connection Jables uses to do its business.


php artisan jables --database=memory

Writing Schemas

The Schema files are usually stored in the database/jables (you need to create it) folder unless you configure it to be otherwise. The Filename is your table name. So if you were to create a users table, your file name would be users.json nested under database/jables

Getting Started


    "fields": {
        "name": {
            "type": "string"

now run php artisan jables. This will create a table named food with a field named name with the type being varchar.

The Formal Breakdown

Well you define all your fields in the fields property on your root object of your json file. The fields property itself is an object and every property of the fields object corresponds to a table field.

Each property (which are the field definitions) within the fields object is once again another object. The only hard requirement for it all is the type property on them. This tells jables what is the type of the field.

in our 'hello world' example the type of string corresponds to varchar just like in Laravel migrations (Jables uses Laravel's Schema Builder).

Types Available

Heres a list


"awesomeness": {
    "type": "integer"

You can write attributes which is a list. Currently only supports one attribute, the unsigned attribute


    "type": "integer",
    "attributes": [

You can only set it to auto-increment with the ai (boolean) property like...

    "type": "integer",
    "ai" : true


Same as the average integer just write the type different like...

    "type": "big-integer"


Same as the average integer just write the type different like...

    "type": "medium-integer"


Same as the average integer just write the type different like...

    "type": "small-integer"


Same as the average integer just write the type different like...

    "type": "tiny-integer"


The FLOAT type equivalent.

    "type": "float"


The DOUBLE type equivalent. It requires you to set the digits & precision properties.

    "type": "double",
    "digits": 10,
    "precision": 5


The DECIMAL type. Properties same as double.

    "type": "decimal",
    "digits": 10,
    "precision": 5


string is the VARCHAR type, and it accepts a length property like...

    "type": "string",
    "length": 50

but the length property isn't required.


Its exactly like string it just uses the CHAR type but the length property is absolutely required.

    "type": "char",
    "length": 10


Text doesn't require any special properties.

    "type": "text"


Same as text.

    "type": "long-text"


Same as text.

    "type": "medium-text"


No Special Properties.

    "type": "date"


No Special Properties.

    "type": "time"


No Special Properties.

    "type": "date-time"


No Special Properties.

    "type": "timestamp"


for the ENUM type. It is required that you set the values(list) property.

    "type": "enum",
    "values": ["wizard", "muggle"]


No special properties.

    "type": "boolean"


No special properties.

    "type": "json"


No special properties.

    "type": "jsonb"


No special properties.

    "type": "morphs"


No special properties.

    "type": "binary"


Just like in Schema Builder, you can create the two fields created_at and updated_at in a simple way.

Create a special timestamps property in yours fields object and set it to true.


    "fields": {
        "user_id": {
            "type": "integer",
            "attributes": [
        "burger_id": {
            "type": "integer",
            "attributes": [
        "timestamps": true

Default Values

All field definitions accept the default property for when you want to set the default value of a field.

Used like...

    "type": "string",
    "default": "cake"

Nullable Fields

All field definitions accept the nullable(boolean) property. If set to true, the field can be left null.

Used like...

    "type": "string",
    "nullable": true

Primary Keys

if you set the ai to true on a integer type or similar field. That field automatically becomes the primary key (its a Laravel thing).

Apart from that, you can set the primary property on any field to true like...

    "type": "string",
    "primary": true

Composite Primary Keys

More that one field makes your primary key? No Problem! Just create a primary(list) property on your root object (sibling to your fields property) like...

    "fields": {
        "region": {
            "type": "string"
        "house": {
            "type": "string"
    "primary": ["region", "house"]

Unique Constraints

All field definitions accept the unique property. set it to true to make it an unique field like...

    "type": "string",
    "length": 20,
    "unique": true

Composite Unique Constraint

You can created unique constraints across many fields. Just create a unique(list) property on your root object (sibling to your fields property) like...

    "fields": {
        "region": {
            "type": "string"
        "house": {
            "type": "string"
    "unique": [
        ["region", "house"]

Yes, it is a list inside a list, for when you want multiple composite constraints.

Foreign Key Constraints

Got you covered! All fields accept the foreign property. You can set it to a string containing the name of the table and the name of the field of that table separated by a dot. (eg. users.id)

"user_id": {
    "type": "integer",
    "attributes": [
    "foreign": "users.id"

this user_id field will now reference id on the users table.

You could also define them like you define unique constraints like...

    "fields": {
        "user_id": {
            "type": "integer",
            "attributes": [
        "burger_id": {
            "type": "integer",
            "attributes": [
    "foreign": {
        "user_id": "users.id",
        "burger_id": "burgers.id"

This will work totally fine.

Documenting Tables

All field and table definitions accept title and description properties that can be used to document your database schema.

We're also working on a feature that generates HTML documentation from your JSON files but for now, you gotta create it on your own. (Maybe even send us a pull request. PLEASE. WE'RE DESPERATE.)


    "title": "Food",
    "description": "FOOOD! GLORIOUS FOOD!",
    "fields": {
        "name": {
            "type": "string",
            "title": "Name",
            "description": "Name of the food."


Jables usually works right out of the box with no configuration required, but two option does exist.

First publish the configuration files. with

php artisan vendor:publish

after running that a jables.php should show up in your config folder with the following contents...

return [
    'table' => 'jables',
    'folder' => 'jables'


It is recommend that you store your schema in a folder within your application's database folder.